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A Return to Awe


I have been experiencing that dull interaction that one gets when routine isn’t interrupted by, what I would call al little shake up. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic just a slight shift in perspective.

This shift occurred one morning during the course of my daily routine. I have 3 horses for whom I am their sole caretaker. (Well, that is not entirely true, my husband, Richard also assists in their well being).

On this gorgeous pre-winter solstice morning after completing my attention to the horses needs I took my yoga mat and my new toddler, Josie out into the field. I planted myself in a place so not to be visible to anyone. I let Josie off the lease where she happily leapt around the field searching for unsuspecting voles. I spread my yoga mat down on the grass, reclined in corpse position and just gazed at the sky. The sky was filled with billowy cumulus nimbus clouds that were quickly changing shape as they were escorted through the ether by the wind. This was a meditative and hypnotic experience. I shifted my attention to the tops of the lob lolly pines that were swaying effortlessly with the wind. The tips of their branches looked as if they were painting the sky. I was transfixed and transported to a completely different mindset that I clearly needed. The moment was so benign but so impactful to me. I was moved by how deprived I had been by these simple and beautiful moments. When I arrived at the restaurant that morning I looked at those in my presence and declared, “ I have experienced a return to awe this morning!” My next declaration was, “And fear not, I am not on magic mushrooms!” I am sure that was a relief to everyone, it could have been a very strange day, indeed! It would have been a return to OZ rather than a return to AWE!



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111 South Washington Street

Easton, MD 21601, USA

©2024 by Out of the Fire

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