We all have varied and different beliefs influenced by culture, upbringing and peers. I think we can all agree that we want and need the same things: security, safety, understanding and love. Beliefs create a sense of safety and belonging that should quell fear, but they also build fences, walls and prisons of judgement. Fear is in full bloom these days for a myriad of reasons. Economic and Political insecurity rank as the leading concerns as we try to navigate our lives. Physiologically fear creates selfishness. We behave like animals (which we are) guarding precious resources. These resources can be material or ideological. I am observing rampant selfishness. Unfortunately this behavior doesn’t create the cohesion that we need and require to sustain a healthy and vibrant community. It is cohesion with condition. Are you part of OUR tribe or THEIRS? I am observing people doubling down on their beliefs, possessions and ideology with a rigor that I am not sure I have ever seen in my life time. This creates chaos and instability. We are not listening to each other. We are so involved with an US vs. THEM mindset that we have become extremely myopic. We are paralyzed. I find myself straddling this line between nihilism and faith which is confusing and uncomfortable. I have to remind myself that nothing happens if I am in a state of perpetual comfort. Discomfort is a catalyst for change. My belief is that we will move through the chaos to find a new place of order. I am trying not to hold on too tightly to my beliefs of what I think is right since I know I have a tendency to be too idealistic. In the spirit of self preservation I will hold onto the belief that it is better to seek understanding rather than be understood. Focusing so fiercely on a goal, after attainment the fallout is rarely examined. What is the wreckage that was left in the wake of achieving that goaI? I will focus fiercely on staying grounded in compassion, understanding and unity. I do believe that I do not want to lose perspective, I do not want to become narrow minded. I do not want to become rigid in thought and action. I want to hold onto the belief that we will emerge with the confidence and strength that we all deserve. I will continue to hold all of us in the belief that we can see light at the end of any tunnel.